5 signs that will let you know if you’re a Girl Boss



5 signs that will let you know if you're a Girl Boss

There are many examples of girl bosses, of women who have managed to create amazing businesses  from scratch, using only their skills and the efforts to come up. Sophia Amoruso, founder of Nasty Gal is the queen of the girl bosses and she is certainly a great example for all of us. So, are you ready to find out if you are also bound to be a girl boss?

Here are listed 5 signs that will let you know if you’re a Girl Boss

1.A girl boss is a creative person

The most successful ideas start from original ideas. The successful business are the innovative ones, the ones that bring something new, never seen before, the kind of ideas that only a creative person can get.

2. A girl boss always want to learn something new

Do you read books, magazines and you’re subscribed to hundreds of newsletters? Education does not end with graduation. If you want to learn something to improve yourself and your business everyday then you’re in the right direction.

3.There is no time to waist time

If while you’re on the couch or on the cyclette you take the opportunity to read the latest business book it means that you do not want to miss a moment of your time. Being organized and manage time in the best way possible is one of the main rules of each girl boss. Start planning your days at best so you will be able to be more productive, and even to save some personal time for yourself.

4.Impossibile is not in the dictionary of a girl boss

If you don’t know something  learn it (now Google explains everything), if you fail improve yourself and remember that the word impossible does not exist. There is always a solution for everything and a girl boss can find it (always)






5. A girl boss is ambitious

A girl boss uses all her strength to be able to get what she wants, she works hard to achieve her goals and knows that success does not come overnight but only with hard work. A girl boss goes far beyond people’s expectations.


So what about you? Are you a girl boss?


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