5 Things to do to feel more successful at Work

You’ll rock with these tips

Have you already started your first job or have you already being a girl boss for years? I know that you’re already nailing it in the workplace but today I want to share with you some lessons that I’ve learned about things that you can do to feel more successful at work .

1.Keep your self organized

To keep yourself organized and be sure that you’re doing everything that you have planned make some lists with your things to do . You’ll be happy to see at the end of the day that you have already checked everything on your list and you’ll feel more inspired for the following days .

2.Be positive

Did you know that when you experience negative emotions your body produces higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol ? And so that you perceive situations as being worse than they actually are? Well being positive will help you to control your stress levels and will make you feel more productive . Also remember that everyone loves positive people but at work that in life .

3. Focus and then take a break

Set the time for your activity,focus on it during that time and then take a little break . This is one of the rules that the most successful people follow everyday . For example if your activity needs 50 minutes you have to make the most of those 50 minutes by working with intense purpose, but then rest up 10-15 minutes ( walk or stand away from your computer)  to be ready for the next burst .

4. Be kind

You don’t have to be a “bitch” in order to be successful . Be nice to your co-workers and to everyone you meet .

5.Wear the right shoes and clothes

You know how important is your style when you’re at work ? Wearing the right shoes and the right clothes can make you feel more powerful and confident and you’ll be successful .


What do you think about? Do you have any other tips? Leave your comments below 🙂


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