8 Mindsets to Adopt if you Want to Be Successful in Fashion

8 Mindsets to Adopt if you Want to Be Successful in Fashion


Do you want to become a successful fashion industry professional? Then start thinking and acting like one! Even if you are still studying, you are an intern, you are about to graduate your mindset is your most powerful career tool. If you can set up your mind for success, you can achieve whatever you want in life: your first internship, a new job at the top fashion companies, a promotion… the possibilities are endless. 

So let’s shift your perspective and mindset and start thinking like a fashion professional.

1.Stop thinking, start doing

The step between thinking and doing is giant. Many times we know what are the necessary steps but then we tend to procrastinate. Send that email, take that course, buy the ticket, call the fashion company, follow up with the recruiters… you are responsible to make things happen. If you want something you need to take action to make it happen. In fashion, no one is going to knock at your door with an opportunity. It doesn’t matter if you are studying at the top fashion school or if you interned at the best brand… you are responsible for your next step, don’t wait for the universe or other people to do things for you, but, to quote Nike, just do it. 

2.Don’t live in fears, believe in abundance

Shift your mindset from lack to abundance. When you’re stuck in a lack mindset, you strengthen the negative pathways in your brain and you continue to respond to life as if the worst is going to happen. Don’t live in fears: fear to fail, fear to change. Don’t look at what others are doing and think that you’ll never reach that same or even more level of success or that there isn’t enough space also for you. People with an abundance mindset focus on the limitless opportunities available in life. They choose to focus on the positive things rather than the negative ones, they believe there is an abundance of everything in life, whether that be more time, more money, better relationships, more resources and more opportunities.

Just to give you a practical example: when you get the email from the recruiter letting you know they’re moving on to other candidates, your lack mindset says: “I didn’t get this job because I’m not good enough. I will never get a job!” while abundance says, “ My dream job is still out there waiting for me. I’ll keep looking.I’ll keep applying. I can do better.”

Shift your mindset to positive thinking. Shift your thoughts to believe that everyone is worthy. Everyone is deserving of everything in the world simply because they exist. And you are one of them. 

3. Surround yourself with other fashion professionals

Renowned businessman Jim Rohn once said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.”. The people we surround ourselves with are the biggest influence on our behavior, attitudes and results. You should not be the smartest person in the room, surround yourself with inspiring, positive fashion industry professionals, spend time with people who already are who you want to become. 

4. Set specific goals

Saying: “I want to get a job in fashion” it’s too vague. Saying: “I want to get a job in fashion PR in London”,  “I want to get a job at XYZ company”, are specific goals. If you want to see results you must be specific. I have an entire podcast episode, which is also one of my favorites, on how to set your fashion career goals. Goal setting is probably the most important thing for your success, because setting a goal means breaking down a plan of practical action to take to turn your dream into a reality. 

5. Be confident

You have something special to offer the world: your background, your natural skill set, your education… there is no one else in the world like you. Your ideas are different. You are worth it. Believe in yourself, be confident. People love to surround themselves with confident people and companies love to hire those. 

6. Adapt and pivot

Be adaptive and flexible. If there is one thing that the pandemic has taught us is that everything can change overnight. You have to be flexible and being able to adapt yourself and your work to any conditions. Be open-minded and creative. 

7. Don’t focus on the problem but on the solution

Everyone tends to focus on the problem and this brings in more stress and the solution seems even more impossible. There is always a solution to anything. You’ve probably found yourself many times in a situation where in the beginning, the solution seemed so far but in the end, you got one. Be that kind of person in the company able to keep calm during stressful situations (hello fashion week!) and the one who always comes up with the solution. 

8. Track your progress and check your goals

Don’t forget to check in every month with yourself to track your progress and see if you are working towards your goals. Take your resolution list and see what you have accomplished, what you are missing, what you have to work more on. Don’t do this just at the end of the year when you have no more time left to do the things you wanted to accomplish that year. Checking in every month will help you stay focused and don’t lose your focus on your goals, adjust your action if needed and make sure you are going where you want to get. 

Photo Tibi Pre-Fall 2017

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