the diary of a fashion intern

The Diary of A Fashion PR Intern | Lilly Meuser


The Diary of a Fashion PR Intern is a new weekly series where you can read the inspiring stories of fashion interns.

Firstly, let me introduce myself to you.

My name is Lilly Meuser I am a German girl of nineteen years and (fingers crossed) a future Fashion PR and marketing student.

I am probably the biggest fan of the series Sex and the City and I cannot stop checking luxury vintage fashion websites every day (even though I am not able to afford anything there.)

I have always been interested in fashion and when I say always I mean ALWAYS. I started applying for internships at magazines when I was about 12 years old… I am not kidding…

I was convinced that you can achieve anything if you have a passion and believe in yourself, no matter how old you are.

The 12 years old me surprisingly did not get accepted for any kind of magazine internships, but I did not lose motivation to work on my dreams.

I found my first website >Ropa Caliente< with 13 years where I tried to publish articles almost every day, even though a lot of people in my grade were making fun of me. I guess almost everyone gets a bit gossipy during their teenage years and it is not easy to be taken seriously when you do not obey the mainstream during those years. Especially when it comes to clothing. I decided to delete my blog when I started to care more about what others think of me and I absolutely regret this decision.

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Anyway, let us go on: I applied for a fashion university in Duesseldorf Germany whilst studying for my A-Levels and I even got a place. After I finished school in 2017, I decided to move from Germany to London.

As you can imagine: London is a city ideal for any kind of creative vision, but I was lacking money so I decided to work as a nanny during my stay.

To be honest: I did not expect this job to be that time absorbing. I still tried to utilize every single minute of my free time to work on my goal: Getting my foot into the fashion-industry-door. I decided to apply for the Fashion Journalism Short Course at the London College of Fashion, went to as many fashion related events and exhibitions as possible and applied for any kind of fashion internships. I had a skype interview with a fashion start-up company located in Munich and got accepted, but I did not stop to apply elsewhere.

Short after my return to Germany, I received another internship offer back in London at SET Fashion for the same time period as the German one. I accepted the offer and cancelled the intern position in Munich.

I am going to come back to this internship in another post.

The time at > Set Fashion < has been a huge door opener to me, as my team helped me to get an incredible internship at a Fashion PR Agency in London, without any degree or university experience.

I could not be happier about this opportunity and I appreciate how much trust and responsibility I get from the people I work with. Even if it is just the beginning: I could not think about any other job that would fulfil me in a comparable way.

I will take you guys with me and let you be part of this exciting journey.

Fingers crossed that everything is going to work out for me.

Stay tuned for the next episode here on Glam Observer

Xx Lilly @lillymeuser

Are you a Fashion Intern amd want to submit us your story? Email me at [email protected]


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