Things you need to invest in to grow your chances to get a job in Fashion

Things to invest in to grow your chances to get a job in Fashion


The competition makes the fashion industry among the most difficult to enter. There are so many girls and boys out there who dream like you, to achieve success in this industry, that you have to go above and beyond in order to make it.

We all have a degree nowadays and we have found out that actually coming from a prestigious university is not as important as the experience or knowing the right people.

If you’re submitting your application, but you’re not getting real results or if you’re stuck in a situation that you can not get out of, then maybe you’re not investing in yourself and you’re not contributing to your development. Investing in yourself is the most rewarding thing you can do. Many small investments will contribute to your success in life and work.

We constantly spend money buying the latest Zara shirt or the new mascara from Sephora, but it seems that when it comes to investing in our career, we all think about it 100 times before doing it. This is because we think that there are other ways to find a job or that luck is needed on our side. It is true that we need luck, but it is certainly not enough and not the thing that contributes the most to our success. We are the ones who have to make things work the way we want. I stopped investing in things that don’t contribute to my career and success, a new top from Zara will not bring me more money or get you a job, while investing in your career will help you and me to make it so then we’ll able to buy more than a Zara bag. Do not hesitate to invest in your career if you want to get great results. If you have to save money, do not visit Zara twice a week and replace a new pair of pants with a good book.

I know it could sound a bit boring, but you’ll need to make these sacrifices just at the beginning of your career. You won’t ever stop investing in yourself if you want to get more and more but, then you’ll be able to both invest in your career and get the designer bag of your dreams 😉

Here are the things you should invest in to increase your chances of finding a job in fashion:


Having more information on the fashion industry that only those who are already inside can give you, is not something to be underestimated. If you are undecided about your career path or if you have doubts and would like to learn more about the industry and in particular how to get a job in fashion, then you should consider investing in some consultancy from time to time. Talking to an expert can not only solve all your doubts, but you can also earn valuable information and above all save time. Because remember that time is money too. If you don’t want to invest in a consultancy because with time and various errors you will be able to find your way, be aware that you are wasting fundamental time of your life that will never come back and that you could already have a job found thanks to the guidance of a consultant. Do not waste any more time and also consider that negative results can affect your motivation.


Connections are absolutely essential if you want to work in fashion. Word of mouth is, in fact, the easiest way to get to know new job offers, so the more people you know the more career opportunities you’ll have. It does not matter if you want to work at a large company, start your own brand or become a freelancer, knowing the right people is the secret to success. You can network online, but the most effective way to meet new people is in person. You create stronger and lasting connections when you meet someone in person and you can also better pitch yourself and leave your business card or portfolio. During our first panel, the girls left their portfolio to our speakers or to other girls who attended the conference and exchanged a lot of business cards. I also know girls who met at our event and who have now become friends or have helped each other find a job in the company where the other works. Attend the more events you can because they are the investment from which you will benefit more. Our Fashion Conference is coming on May 25th, do not miss the opportunity to meet girls who work in fashion, network, get inspired by the stories of the speakers and have fun!


Whether you have finished your studies or are still in progress, there are some things you need to learn that no university will teach you. Not because the university is not valid, but because we are interested in so many different topics that it is difficult that a single course at the university covers them all. If you are studying communication at the university, but you want to know how to become a stylist, then you will have to study yourself to learn more about this career. So that’s why everyone should integrate to their university degree other short courses, online courses, they should read books or listen to podcasts. Probably you’ll learn the most useful things by investing in your self-education. Try to read a book per month, attend two online courses a year, and listen to at least one podcast a day. All these things will contribute to your development and you will acquire skills that will give you a competitive advantage over others.


If you are applying for several job offers, but you are not getting results, perhaps it is the case that an expert review your resume to understand what is wrong. Investing € 10 in a CV template is nothing compared to the benefits you will get: a new job. Without wasting time editing your CV from time to time when you do not get an interview, use a ready and easy-to-use template. Continuing to apply without success does not make sense if there are resources available at a reasonable price.

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